National Campus Ministry Association, a professional organization educating, encouraging, and equipping those engaged in the practice of ministry in higher education is holding it’s annual conference in Atlanta, GA from July 10-12. The topic is Multi-Faith is the New Ecumenical: Authentic Ministry in the 21st Century. Brian McLaren, author of Everything Must Change, A Generous Orthodoxy, and Why Did Jesus, Moses, the Buddha, and Mohammed Cross the Road: Christian Identity in a Multi-faith World will be the special guest.
This is a wonderful topic for Unitarian Universalists (UUs), and a perfect opportunity for UUs to join in learning with this dedicated group of campus ministers. If you’re finding our collegial groups of UU campus minister professionals small, that’s because they are! This will provide us with an opportunity to extend our network of colleagues and learn from one another.
There will also be a sexuality education pre-conference training the day before the conference on Tuesday, July 9th. Normally a $50 cost, this is free of cost for all attending the conference and was created specifically for campus ministers, sponsored by the Unitarian Universalist Association and the United Church of Christ. Both the pre-conference sexuality education training and the main conference can be registered for online. Register today, and get excited for learning with campus ministers from across the country and denominations.
If you have any questions, feel free to ask below or contact me at ya-cm @